
Triveni Sangam, London, U.K.
Founder Member

Mrs. Manju Nagji BEM

Telephone : 020 8732 2587 (UK)


Dipa Dhanani

Telephone : 07961 913 657

Jyoti Shah

Telephone : 07930 641 227

Triveni Sangam Shishu Kunj Trust, Chalala, Gujarat

Mrs. Manju Nagji BEM

Telephone : 020 8732 2587 (UK)

Bhupatbhai Vanjara

Telephone : 09428 792 837

Jaysukhbhai Chauhan

Telephone : 09879051427

Hardikbhai Gediya

Telephone : 09638928089

Triveni Sangam Education Trust, Mudpar, Chattisgargh.

Mrs. Manju Nagji BEM

Telephone : 020 8732 2587 (UK)

Mr. R. B. Pande (Head Master)

Telephone : 09301 341 425

Mudpar, Nardha, Chhattisgarh

"All work of Triveni Sangam is based on the following quotes"

"The power of God is with you at all times through the activities of mind, senses breathing and emotions, He is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument."

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

"Stand up, be bold, be strong, take the whole responsibility on your shoulders and know that you are the creator of your own destiny."

Swami Vivekananda

Our Mission Statement

"Shape Your Destiny - Let Your Body, Mind and Soul Work Together"
Triveni Sangam Copyright 2020.